The Ultimate Guide To Buying The Leather Lounges Melbourne Makes

leather lounges melbourne

Leather enthusiasts all over the world know the real worth of the leather lounges Melbourne creates. When it comes to upholstering and whatnot, leather remains the best and strongest material to use. Besides being comfortable to the buttocks, it is also visually appealing—a wonderful sight to behold. 

However, not all leather lounges Melbourne sells are produced from the same quality of leather. The most expensive lounges are made from expensive leather. Finally, type and finish are also important factors that determine cost. This brings us to…

Leather—Common Types & Quality 

To make the best choice from the collection of leather lounges Melbourne sells, you must at least have an idea of the types and quality of the different leather that exists. 

Pure Aniline 

This is a full grain leather that has an all-natural look. As known as full aniline, little wonder it is one of the most sought-after leather and needs little or no touch or correction in the tanning industry

When aniline is being manufactured, it is dyed with a special dye called “aniline dyes”. This dye does not contain any insoluble pigment nor is it water-resistant. What does the dye do? It brings out every scar, wrinkle, or marking on the hide. 

The aniline leather is the major contributing material in the leather lounges Melbourne makes or sells. 


Also called aniline plus, it is also a premium and a sought-after leather. Though similar to pure aniline, there are considerable differences between them. First off, from the name “semi-aniline”, that means it’s not as pure as full aniline. 

Secondly, it has a wider assortment of colors than pure aniline and contains micro-pigment in the dye used on it. Furthermore, its topcoat has a protective feature. This means those who are careful about spills would find this leather a useful piece in their rooms. 


These leathers are all natural and come with very visible scars revealing their source—the cattle they were extracted from. The Pigmented is also used to make the leather lounges Melbourne sells or delivers. 

Leathers such as these are referred to as “corrected gain”, meaning the hides were corrected before they were coated. The correction is to cover the scars, markings, or blemishes. Finishing is concluded when it is further designed to make it take on a more natural look. 

This leather is used to make a good chunk of the leather lounges Melbourne sells because compared to the rest, it is easy to clean and maintain. Plus, it is resistant to staining compared to others. 

How to choose 

Now that you know the major leather lounges Melbourne sells, how do you choose from the plethora of choices available? First of all, you need to decide if it’s aniline, semi-aniline, or pigmented leather you want to go for. Secondly, how long do you want to use the leather lounges? Five years or more? If you are looking for those which will last, go for frames made from the hardest wood. 

Finally, always check the manufacturer or retailer’s reputation before you stake your money. Have you bought leather lounges Melbourne makes? Tell us!